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New Brazilian band has gained Highlights on several sites and on MTV in England.

New Brazilian band has gained Highlights on several sites and on MTV in England.


With a serious smooth and imperative vocal by Enio Torres, Granell has outstood in the alternative Brazilian market by blending an array of a good taste and harmony. A bass loaded with the Grooving, rock drums and a guitar full of harmony and precision will make Granell your next favorite band. We have been on the road since 2003, our band became a hit in 2006 with the ballad “Pra você” (For you), has been playing in hundreds of radios has become a video clip, broadcasted in many TV channels like MTV, Multishow among others. Although Brazil has been known for its samba, Granell has made it worldwide through internet. Recently the band has released “Se decide”, the trio Enio Torres (Guitar end vocalist) Josué Torres (Bass) and Lucas Medina (The drums) have drawn the public attention.

“Sincerity is what drives my heart / Want it or not / Either stay or go / But you gotta stay!” (Chorus of new song).

Unlike what is in trend in Brazil right now, it is a relief to fans of indie pop to be able to savor a new taste of music that reminds references like Brazilian stars such as: (Jorge Bem and Tim Maia), The Australians (Men at work), Foo Fighters, Marron 5, Kings of Lion among others in order to draw people to stages and their earphones experiencing moments of real joy and genuine musical entertainment.


If you are interested in knowing about the history of our band and also download our songs, please access our site:

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Megjelent a FreshFabrik legújabb dala és klipje!

Megjelent a FreshFabrik legújabb dala és klipje!

Idén tavasszal jelent meg a FreshFabrik ötödik nagylemeze Mora címmel, amihez már két klip is készült (Stealing The Sun és Woman), most pedig itt a harmadik, az Into The Light, ami a három közül mindenképpen a legmonumentálisabb. Az új maxi klipjét - ami egy kisfilmnek is nevezhető - a zenekar ismét saját maga készítette, néhány barát társaságában, egészen különös, érdekes helyszíneken.

A csapat a nagylemez szinte minden dalát szeretné megfilmesíteni, a következő vagy az Orpheus vagy a Soul Emergency lesz.


Az új klipet itt nézheted meg:


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